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篇名 季節、果齡、後熟及貯藏對茄子種子發芽之影響
卷期 50:4
並列篇名 Effect of Season, Fruit Age, Ripening and Storage on the Seed Germination of Eggplants (Solanum melongena L.)
作者 宋 妤王幸瑜
頁次 421-428
關鍵字 茄子種子發芽率發芽溫度後熟eggplant seedgermination percentagegermination temperatureafter ripening
出刊日期 200412




The seeds extracted from matured ‘Extra Long’ fruit dried at 35℃ had good germination. The seeds of four varieties which were grown matured in spring and autumn had better germination at 25/30℃ than at 25℃. There was no significant difference on germination of seeds matured in spring and autumn. At 25℃, seed germination of medium-long ‘Pink Diana’ fruit matured in autumn was better than that in spring, however seeds of ‘Fond May’ matured in spring germinated better than those in autumn. The germination of 60 days old fruit of some varieties was not affected by growing season. Seed germination of ‘Extra Long’ and ‘Fullness’ fruit matured in spring was better than that in autumn. ‘Bride’ and ‘Orient Charm’ fruit matured in autumn had the better germination. Germination of ‘Bride’, ‘Fond May’ and ‘Extra Long’ seeds were enhanced by after-ripening. Seeds of ‘Fullness’ fruit grown in autumn and through after-ripening increased the germination; however seeds of fruit grown in spring did not affected by after-ripening. The germination of seeds grown in autumn and stored for 4 months or grown in spring stored and for 1 month was increased. Heavy ‘Fond May’ seed had high density. The after-ripening seeds that contained more sugar and less starch were heavier than seeds without after-ripening. The conductivity of seeds imbibed one day at 25℃or 25/30℃increased rapidly for after-ripening seeds than without after- ripening seeds.
