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篇名 叢枝菌根植物的乾旱逆境抗性機制
卷期 50:3
並列篇名 Mechanism for the Drought Stress Resistance of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Plants
作者 鄔家琪張喜寧
頁次 235-243
關鍵字 叢枝菌根乾旱逆境arbuscular mycorrhizaedrought stress
出刊日期 200409




The effects of arbuscular mycorrhiza on the growth and development of host plants have been studied by many investigators. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi can also affect the water balance of both amply watered and desiccated host plants. This review summarizes these effects and possible casual mechanisms. There were five mechanisms involved: 1. More effective scavenging of soil water, possibly through improved soil and root contact, and contributions of soil hyphae to water absorption. 2. Water transport ability of host plants was increased. 3. Effect of osmotic adjustment by changing the content of metabolites. 4. The enhancement of the nutrient uptake of host plants resulted in good growth and increased drought resistance. 5. Adjustment of stomatal conductance and transpiration. 6. Modification of the hormonal level of host plants. However, the ideas about mycorrhizal mechanisms of drought resistance suggested by these studies are still being tested today.
