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篇名 本地芹菜品種之發芽特性
卷期 50:3
並列篇名 Germination Characteristics of Celery (Apium graveolens L. var. secalinum) in Taiwan
作者 顏勝雄王自存曹幸之
頁次 283-294
關鍵字 芹菜吸水乙烯釋放種子發芽celeryseed germinationimbibitionethylene evolution
出刊日期 200409


以7個葉芹及1個西洋芹品種,在不同溫度下進行發芽試驗,以探討本地芹各品種之發芽特性。測量種子含水量,瞭解種子發芽過程中水分吸收情形,並以氣相層析儀分析乙烯及二氧化碳之產生。本地芹菜種子發芽適溫為15℃-25℃,平均發芽日數5-10天;種子發芽率以‘宜蘭芹’最高,達94%,‘田尾黃心白骨’最低為54%;30℃高溫條件下,種子發芽率明顯降低,以‘Tall Utah 52-70’及食用部位為抽苔花梗的‘青筒種’降低幅度最大;所有品種在33℃不發芽,變溫處理(30/20℃,光照8hrs,黑暗16hrs)的發芽表現與適溫下相同;10℃低溫明顯延緩種子之發芽。光照處理可縮短發芽日數1-3日。滲調處理6天之‘宜蘭芹’種子吸水10分鐘後,吸水量比未滲調處理種子多25%;吸水1小時後,滲調處理者吸水量比未處理組增加30%;且種子約在吸水4小時後進入遲滯期。對照組則需要8小時。處理組在吸水78小時種子開始發芽,對照組在吸水90小時開始發芽。芹菜品種發芽過程中的乙烯累積生成量以‘海南青’最高,‘Tall Utah 52-70’最低。十天之種子發芽率以‘宜蘭芹’最高,產生的二氧化碳累積量亦較高。除了未發芽之‘田尾黃心白骨’外,乙烯與二氧化碳產生量均在種子發芽時(約在種子浸水後第7-8日)再度上升,氣體累積生成量不能反應種子發芽率。


Seven local smallage and one US. celery cultivars were used to study their germination behavior under different temperature conditions.The water uptake and gas (both ethylene and CO2) evolution were monitored during seed germination. The optimal germination temperature for all cultivars was 15℃ to 25℃ and mean number of days to germination was 5-10. The germination percentages were highest for ‘Yi-Lan’ and lowest is ‘Tien-Wei’, being 94% and 54%, respectively. The germination was significantly reduced at 30℃, especially for ‘Tall Utah 52-70’ and ‘Chin-Torng’. All seeds were completely inhibited to germinate at 33℃, and mean days to germination were extended at 10℃. Light treatment reduced mean days to germination by 1 to 3 days. Under alternating temperature of 30℃ (8 hrs in light) and 20℃ (16 hrs in dark), the seeds germinate similarly as under optimal temperature. The water uptake of primed ‘Yi-Lan’ seeds was 25% and 30% higher than that of control seeds after 10 minutes and 1 hr. of imbibition, respectively. The primed seeds reached the lag phase at 4 hr and germinated at 78 hr of imbibition. The corresponding values for the control were at 8 hr and 90 hr of imbibition, respectively. The ethylene accumulated during 10 days of seed imbibition was highest in cv. ‘Hai-Nan’ and lowest in cv. ‘Tall Utah 52-70’. However, the seed germination percentage did not correlatee with the gas evolution. ‘I-Lan’ had the highest germination percentage. The evolution of both ethylene and CO2 increased before radical protrusion ( about 7-8 days of imbibition) in all cultivars except ‘Tien-Wei’ which did not germinate up to 10 days of imhibition.
