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篇名 文心蘭類自交和雜交之結實率
卷期 50:3
並列篇名 Capsule Setting of Oncidium and Its Allied Genera by Self-pollination and Cross-pollination
作者 胡正榮李 哖
頁次 343-355
關鍵字 文心蘭類授粉結實正反交Oncidiumpollinationfruit setreciprocal cross
出刊日期 200409


本研究將已收集的文心蘭3個原種、14個品種及其近緣屬雜交品種12種進行143個交配組合,結果共計結莢的組合有28個,其中自交結果莢者有3,文心蘭屬內異交結莢共有14個授粉組合,而屬間異交結莢則有11個組合,且共有14個授粉組合具有正反交差異。Onc. Sweet Sugar ‘Angel’自交結莢率為4%,Onc. Java ‘Augie’為6.7%,而Onc. lanceanum 為60%。以現今台灣主力切花雜交種Onc. Gower Ramsey為親本的4個結莢組合中,只有和Miltonidium Pupukea Sunset ‘H&R’交配時可作為父本,結莢率為20%,其餘授粉組合僅能作為母本,以Onc. Java ‘Augie’、Onc. Odoriko`M'與Onc. Golden Fish為父本雜交之,所得結莢率分別為81.3%、40%及100%。盆花品種Onc. Sweet Sugar ‘Angel’亦可作為母本,和Onc. Java `Augie'、Onc. Odoriko‘M’與Onc. Golden Fish雜交有87%、16.7%及100% 的結莢率。在屬間交配組合中,多數結莢組合(5/11)以Onc. Sweet Sugar ‘Angel’作為父本,顯示此品種不論作為父本或母本均有稔性。迷你盆花Onc. Twinkle與其親本Onc. omithorhynchum和Onc. cheirophorum間雜交有5個結莢組合,結莢率6%到100%不等。本研究大部分組合具交配不親和性。


The objective of this research was to investigate the fruit set of Oncidium and its allied genera by self-pollination and cross-pollination. The capsule set ratio of Oncidium and its allied genera was low in general. In total 143 pollination combinations, only 28 formed capsules. Among the capsules, there were 3 self-pollinated ones, 14 Oncidium interspecific crosses, and 11 intergeneric crosses. There were 14 cross combinations showing unilateral cross incompatibility. When being self-pollinated, the fruit set percentages of Onc. Sweet Sugar ‘Angel’, Onc. Java ‘Augie’, and Onc. lanceanum were 4%, 6.7%, and 60%, respectively. Twenty percent of the pollinated flowers formed capsules by crossing Mtdm. Pupukea Sunset ‘H&R’ with Onc. Gower Ramsey as the only paternal parent. When Onc. Gower Ramsey was made the maternal parent to cross with Onc. Java ‘Augie’, Onc. Odoriko ‘M’, and Onc. Golden Fish, the fruit set rates were 81.3%, 40%, and 100%, respectively, and the pot cultivar Onc. Sweet Sugar ‘Angel’, being a maternal one, when was hybridized with Onc. Java ‘Augie’, Onc. Odoriko ‘M’, and Onc. Golden Fish, the the fruit set rates were 87%, 16.7%, and 100%, respectively. The results indicated that Onc. Sweet Sugar ‘Angel’ was fertile, whether being used as a paternal or maternal parent. The parents of the miniature pot hybrid Onc. Twinkle were Onc.omithorhynchum and Onc. cheirophorum. When Onc. Twinkle was hybridized with either of its parents, 5 pollination combinations formed capsules and the fruit set rates were 6% to 100%. The results showed that the limitation of fruit set when crossing Oncidium with its allied genera was largely due to incompatibility.
