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篇名 觀葉植物消費行為之研究
卷期 50:1
並列篇名 Study on Purchase Behavior of Foliage Plants
作者 廖思婷林晏州
頁次 99-115
關鍵字 消費行為圖片表示文字敘述聯合分析法觀葉植物purchase behaviorpictorial stimuliverbal stimuliconjoint analysisfoliage plants
出刊日期 200403




This study developed conjoint models to examine consumers’ preferences for foliage plants and to compare relative importance of foliage plants attributes that may influence consumers’ choice behavior. The other purpose of this study was to compare verbal versus pictorial stimuli in conjoint analysis. There were two kinds of questionnaires: verbal stimuli and pictorial stimuli. The respondents were asked to make trade-offs between four attributes, and gave preference ranking to nine alternatives. The conjoint model was used to estimate for the preference ranking data. Results showed that the relative importance of attributes was similar in both models. The degree of cultivation difficulty was the most important attribute, followed by performance duration, price and appearance.
