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篇名 市售紅外線耳溫槍準確度之品質監測
卷期 26
並列篇名 Surveillance on the Quality of Marketed Infrared Ear Thermometers in Taiwan
作者 黃聖傑杜培文黃明權鄒玫君
頁次 36-39
關鍵字 紅外線耳溫槍準確度Infrared ear thermometersAccuracyTSCI
出刊日期 200810


為了解市售紅外線耳溫槍之準確度,本局於民國96年1月至2月期間,派員至藥局及醫療器材行抽購不同製造廠所生產之紅外線耳溫槍檢體11件,委託合約實驗室依據歐盟標準EN 12470-5:2003之方法及規格進行準確度檢測,檢測結果共8件(72.7%)不符合歐盟標準之要求。


In order to ensure the quality of infrared ear thermometers distributed in Taiwan, 11 samples were purchased from drugstores and medical suppliers during the period from January to February 2007. According to the test methods and specifications listed in EN 12470-5:2003 for infrared ear thermometers (with maximum device), the accuracy (± 0.2℃) was tested. The results showed that 8 samples (72.7%) failed to meet the
requirements of EN 12470-5:2003.
Pre-approval registration was not required for infrared ear thermometer prior to its re-classification as Class II medical devices in June 20, 2000. The survey was thus conducted to ascertain the accuracy of infrared
ear thermometers in Taiwan market in order to protect the public health. Furthermore, the testing results can be implemented as the background information for establishing regulations of medical devices in the future.

