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篇名 調製劑中藥檢出西藥成分之分析
卷期 26
並列篇名 Survey on Adulterants in Chinese Medicinal Preparations during the Fiscal Year 2007
作者 賴國誌王依婷曾木全林美智顧祐瑞楊禮安蔡麗瑤范振一劉宜祝林哲輝
頁次 74-85
關鍵字 調製劑中藥摻加西藥風濕鎮痛類感冒鎮咳類AdulterantsChinese medicinal preparationsAntirheumatic-analgesicsAnticold-antitussivesTSCI
出刊日期 200810




In this study, we examined the chemical compounds adulterated in 532 samples of Chinese Medicinal Preparations (CMP), which were collected and analyzed during the fiscal year of 2007. The result indicated that 12.6% (55/435) of the samples acquired from the consumer service centers of the local health bureaus and judicial organizations were adulterated.However, if the samples randomly collected from local markets were included, the adulteration rate increased to 13.7% (73/532).
The sources of samples were classified into two categories. The first one consisted of samples collected from legal institutions, including manufacturers of CMP and medical units such as hospitals, clinics and dealers of traditional Chinese medicine, where the adulterated average rate was 7.9%. The second category consists of samples from illegal suppliers, such as Chinese Kung-fu stores, folk medicine stores, unlicensed practitioners and others, where the adulterated average rate was 19.1%.
73 samples contained adulterants, among them, 37.0% with one adulterant and 16.4% with four or six adulterants. In terms of therapeutic activity, most adulterants were claimed to be antirheumatic-analgesics and
The therapeutic activity of most adulterants was irrelevant to the claimed use of CMP. Caffeine was the most commonly used in adulterants, followed by thiamine, acetaminophen, chlorpheniramine and hydrochlorothiazide.

