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篇名 市售蔬果殘留農藥監測
卷期 26
並列篇名 Monitoring of Pesticide Residues on Marketed Fruits and Vegetables in Taiwan
作者 李蕙芳曾素香溫惠琴汪子祺劉誌成周秀冠鄭守訓徐錦豐蘇淑珠胡智強周玉鳳徐仁霞施養志
頁次 225-255
關鍵字 蔬果殘留農藥液相層析串聯質譜儀MonitorPesticide residueLC/MS/MSTaiwanTSCI
出刊日期 200810




The monitoring program of pesticide residues on marketed fruits and vegetables was performed at BFDA(Bureau of Food and Drug Analysis), Taiwan. A total of 1761 samples were collected in 2007 by local health
bureaus from supermarkets and local traditional markets. The samples were analyzed by multi-residue method of pesticides, which was promulgated by the Department of Health of Taiwan. This method allows simultaneous
determination of 187 items of pesticides by GC/ECD, GC/FPD and LC/MS/MS. Pesticide residues were detected in 32.0% of the 1359 vegetable samples and in 32.6% of the 402 fruit samples. 61 (4.5%) of vegetable
samples and 11 (2.7%) of fruit samples were violated. The overall rate of violation was 4.1%. Of the violative samples, 6 contained pesticide residues at levels above the tolerance for the given pesticide to the given crops category. 66 of the violative samples contained pesticide residue which were not allowed for use in those crops category. The local government has enforced the penalty to the supplier or farmer who provided the violative samples based on the Food Sanitation Control Act and its Enforcement Rules of Taiwan.

