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篇名 水產品中動物用藥硝基?喃代謝物之殘留量調查
卷期 26
並列篇名 Survey of Nitrofuran Metabolite Residues in Aquatic Products
作者 陳信志賈東明許正忠邱再預周秀冠鄭守訓
頁次 306-321
關鍵字 硝基?喃代謝物動物用藥水產品液相層析串聯質譜法Nitrofuran metabolitesAquatic productsVeterinary drugsLC/MS/MSTSCI
出刊日期 200810


為了解水產品動物用藥殘留之衛生安全,由各縣市衛生局於96年6至12月間,自超級市場、大賣場與傳統市場等地,共抽樣水產品83件;其中包括吳郭魚12件、鱒魚11件、鰻魚6件、石斑9件、香魚12件、蟹類5件、大閘蟹8件、蝦類10件、甲魚4件、田雞2件、牛蛙2件及土虱2件,依據衛生署公告之液相層析串聯質譜法(liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry)檢測硝基呋喃代謝物SC、AH、AOZ及AMOZ之殘留情形,結果於2件鱒魚檢體檢出AOZ,檢出濃度分別為1.094及0.014 ppm。檢出不合格之檢體及供貨來源,已由農政機關依「動物藥品管理法」處辦,並加強源頭養殖戶用藥管理。


In order to survey nitrofuran metabolite residues in aquatic products in Taiwan, local health bureaus were coordinated to sample the marketed products including tilapias, trouts, eels, groupers, crabs, hairy crabs, sweet fishs (ayu), shrimps, turtles, frogs, bullfrogs and catfishs, from the supermarkets, warehouse stores and traditional markets. The residual nitrofuran metabolites in samples were analyzed by liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS). The results showed that 2 trouts contained AOZ, which is forbidden in livestock and aquatic products, at concentrations of 1.094 and 0.014 ppm respectively. The non-compliant products were reported to the local enforcement authorities, tracked down to their supply sources and fined according to the
Veterinary Drugs Control Act.

