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篇名 市售堅果類食品中黃麴毒素含量之調查
卷期 26
並列篇名 Survey of Aflatoxin in Walnut, Almond, Pistachio and Cashew Nut
作者 陳銘在傅曉萍徐錦豐
頁次 330-336
關鍵字 核桃仁杏仁開心果腰果黃麴毒素WalnutsAlmondPistachioCashew nutAflatoxinTSCI
出刊日期 200810


為瞭解市售堅果類食品中黃麴毒素污染情形,於96年4月至6月間由8個縣市衛生局抽樣,共計103件,包括核桃仁27件,杏仁26件,開心果25件及腰果25件。依據行政院衛生署公告指定之食品中黃麴毒素檢驗法檢測,結果有101件符合規定,2件(1.9%)開心果檢體檢出超出限量之黃麴毒素,檢出量分別為23.5 ppb及39.2 ppb,衛生局已依法對業者加以處辦。本調查結果已於96年5月15日及6月25日在衛生署消費者資訊網發布2則食品紅綠燈資訊。


In order to survey the aflatoxin contents in retailed edible nuts, 27 walnuts, 26 almonds, 25 pistachio and 25 cashew nuts were sampled by local health officials from retailers from April to June in 2007 and analyzed by the Chinese National Standard Method 4090. Ten samples (9.7%) were found to contain aflatoxins ranging from 0.2 to 39.2 ppb. Among them, aflatoxin contents in two (1.9%) pistachio samples were found to exceed the action levels of Taiwan. Penalty was enforced by the local authority according to the Food Sanitation Management Act.

