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篇名 市售紙菸主煙流中尼古丁、焦油及一氧化碳含量監測
卷期 26
並列篇名 Survey on Nicotine, Tar and Carbon Monoxide in Mainstream Smoke of Domestic and Imported Tobacco Products
作者 蕭惠文王玠仁潘志寬施養志
頁次 337-348
關鍵字 紙菸尼古丁焦油一氧化碳CigaretteNicotineTarCarbon monoxideTSCI
出刊日期 200810


為落實菸害防制工作,維護國民健康,96年度繼續對市售8種國產及22種進口紙菸計30種產品,進行尼古丁、焦油及一氧化碳含量調查。檢驗結果,其尼古丁含量範圍在0.11∼1.02 mg/支,焦油含量範圍在1.2∼13.0 mg/支,檢測結果均符合菸害防制法之相關規定。一氧化碳含量範圍在1.4~13.9 mg/支。
為確保紙菸主煙流中尼古丁及焦油檢測數據之準確性,以品管查核對照用紙菸進行品質監控,結果尼古丁及焦油之檢測值及重複性均在管制限量範內。在數據品質保證方面,參加第14屆(2006/2007)亞洲菸品共同試驗結果,均屬滿意;同時紙菸主煙流中尼古丁及焦油含量之檢測,業已通過全國認證基金會(Taiwan Accreditation Foundation, TAF)之認證及96年度之再評鑑,顯示檢測數據之準確性是可信的。


Thirty cigarette samples, including 8 domestic and 22 imported cigarettes were analyzed in this study.Nicotine yields of 30 cigarettes ranged from 0.11 to 1.02 mg/cig. Corresponding tar yields ranged from 1.2 to 13.0 mg/cig. The nicotine and tar yields of all samples complied with the regulations of “The Tobacco Hazards Prevention and Control Act”. The carbon monoxide yields of the 30 cigarettes ranged from 1.4 to 13.9 mg/cig.To improve the accuracy of tested data, we attended the 14th ACS collaborative study and received satisfactory results. In addition, we also passed the recertification of TAF this year.

