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篇名 Sport, Socialism and the Chinese Cultural Revolution, 1949-1978
卷期 33:4
並列篇名 體育運動、社會主義與中國文化大革命:1949-1978
作者 黃東治
頁次 783-800
關鍵字 Chinese cultural revolutionSocialismSport中國文化大革命社會主義體育運動
出刊日期 200512




This paper examines a very distinctive stage of the development of Chinese sport between 1949 and 1978. It was a stage of Mao’s socialism and the Cultural Revolution which was influenced by Marxism-Leninism. Mao’s notion of the “New Democracy” provided direction to sports development in the early stages of the People's Republic. In particular, the New Democracy of physical culture contained three spheres?national, scientific and mass. In fact, the New Democratic physical culture was an empty theory from Mao's thoughts which could not become a sports policy or system in the New China. Therefore, China learned sport from Soviet experience which was one of options open to it at the early stage. However, Mao questioned the Soviet model and ambitiously aimed to overtake the capitalist West in a short time as part of the radical Great Leap Forward in 1957. During the Great Leap Forward, sport was set back on account of the tendency to report untruthfully, to over-ambitions, exaggeration and formalism. On the other hand, the disaster of famine caused by the Great Leap Forward also influenced sports development. During the pre-Cultural Revolution period from 1963 to 1966, both elite and mass sports developed while “revisionist”, “counterrevolutionary” and “capitalist roader”views still held political sway in the Party. To sum up, during the Maoist era 19491976, sports development went through three stages: (i) Mao built a new China and tried to establish a New physical culture, 1949-1957; (ii) during the Great Leap Forward and the Socialist Education Movement, China established a nationwide system to promote sports, 19571966; and (iii) in the Cultural Revolution, sports were discontinued twice?1966-1969 and 19741976.
