
中山管理評論 TSSCI

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篇名 魅力領導、家長式領導、德性領導與領導效應之研究
卷期 14:4、14:4
並列篇名 Charismatic、Paternalistic、and Virtue Leadership and Follower Effects
作者 蘇英芳黃賀
頁次 939-968
關鍵字 魅力領導家長式領導德性領導倫理領導Charismatic leadershipPaternalistic leadershipVirtuous leadershipEthical leadershipTSSCI
出刊日期 200612




Based on western leading charismatic leadership model, this research demonstrates the critical position of the virtue component on a charismatic view of leadership and further formulates a more profound new charismatic leadership model adaptable to the Taiwanese business contexts. We collected data from 112 high ranked managers, the statistical findings confirm that the virtue leadership construct is an independent factor of Conger and Kanungo's charismatic leadership model and significantly predicts follower cognitive outcome effects. Results prove that benevolent leadership dimension predicts leadership effect the most among the Chinese paternalistic leadership factors. Above all, we posit that managers receive follower's positive recognition by demonstrating strategic vision and articulation, sensitivity to member's needs, virtue leadership and benevolent behaviors. The present study merges Western originated charismatic leadership with Oriental virtue leadership dimension for a cross-cultural verification. Some key issues for future study and the implications for both management theory and practical domains are identified.
