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篇名 讀書治療在大學通識課程上的應用--自我決定理論觀點
卷期 39:3
並列篇名 Bibliotherapy Approach of Affective Education for College Students
作者 林烘煜唐淑華
頁次 377-394
關鍵字 自我決定理論情意素養通識課程讀書治療Affective educationBibliotherapyGeneral curriculumQuasi-experimental designSelf-determination theoryTSSCIScopus
出刊日期 200803


本研究採自我決定理論(Self-determination theory, SDT)(Deci & Ryan, 1985; Ryan & Deci, 2002)觀點,並以文學作品與讀書治療為教學內容及策略,以設計一門大學通識課程。透過此課程設計,本研究希望探討符合大學生心理需求之議題,以提升大學生的情意素養,包括其自主性及行為的內在動機,進而在其自我認同、情緒穩定性及意志力上,皆能獲得進展。本研究採準實驗設計方式進行課程教學效果之檢驗,實驗組為選修「文學與情感教育」課程的學生(共46人),對照組則為選修「廣告心理學」課程的學生(共47人)。實驗組與對照組同時以張貝萍(民89)所編之「情緒穩定量表」測驗,在學期開始第一週進行前測、學期最後一週進行後測,並以多變量共變數分析進行統計分析。此外,針對實驗組學生,本研究亦使用課後BBS、期末學生對本課程的評鑑、與訪談個別學生等方式,以充分了解學生對於上課內容的意見與感想。結果發現經過本研究一學期的教育介入,實驗組學生不但在量化比較或質性內容分析結果,均顯示本課程以SDT為架構,及以提昇自主性及內在動機的課程設計,是得到預期回應的。尤其根據情緒穩定量表結果之進一步的分析,可發現實驗組的顯著進步,主要是發生在「自尊感」、「冷靜面對問題」及「自主性」三個分量表上,顯示使用讀書治療在情意教學的應用上的確能提升某些情意目標。本文亦舉例說明該課程之討論內容及教學過程,以供未來有興趣開設類似課程的教師參考。


The purpose of this study was to implement an affective education program at the college level to improve students’ psychological adjustment. Traditionally, Taiwan’s college education focused on cognitive part of knowledge taking. Therefore, college students generally do not know how to deal with their personal problems and interpersonal relationships. However, the present study, emphasizing on the psychological well-beings, adopted Deci and Ryan’s (1985, 2002) self-determintion theory and the bibliotherapy approach to design the curriculum. A series of classes using novel-readings and in-class discussions were designed. Through the quasi-experimental design, after a semester’s course administration, students in the experimental group achieved significantly higher scores in good ways to deal with personal problem, self-esteem, and autonomy subscales compared to the controlled group. Suggestions concerning the ways to design a curriculum for affective education in college were presented in the paper.
