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篇名 台東縣幼稚園評鑑實施成效研究
卷期 15:2
並列篇名 Meta-evaluation of kindergarten evaluation in Taitung
作者 陳淑芳
頁次 87-121
關鍵字 kindergarteneducational evaluationCIPP教育評鑑幼稚園TSSCI
出刊日期 200412




The enactment of kindergarten evaluation represents the control and management intention of the government. However, there is a debating issue in how the evaluation policy is enacted and how the policy is implicated. In order to discuss the shared responsibility of central and local government, this paper first presents a research project regarding the implication of evaluation policy in Taitung and it’s effects on practices from the insiders’ point of views. The data is collected from October to December 2001, after the first run of evaluative process and before the final report conducted. Data sources include interviews with the directors and teachers, evaluation committees, and the administers of the local government. Dada analysis is based on the qualitative data analysis procedure. It is found that the central controlled evaluation policy enforce the local government to take a role in early childhood education management, however, it also reduces the local government’s power in developing localized evaluation policy. Thus the kindergartens in varied contexts were forced to follow a set of principles that may not suitable to their local situations. This study suggests the central and local government to take a shared responsibility. However, it is necessary to deconstruct the central-control beliefs and to re-negotiate the responsibility of both. Furthermore, the local government should have a lead in the policy making of local kindergarten evaluation to improve the quality of early childhood education in representative area.
