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篇名 脆性點心食品質地指標之建立
卷期 2:3、2:3
並列篇名 Establishment of Texture Indices for Crispy Snack Food
作者 蘇崇文陳翠瑤
頁次 411-424
關鍵字 脆度粉碎度質地質地描述分析脆性點心食品CrispnessFinenessTextureTexture profile methodCrispy snack food
出刊日期 200509


本研究選用9種自製的米擠壓脆性產品及9種市販脆性點心食品為測試對象,以「質地描述分析」剖析脆性點心食品的質地特徵,並藉由感官品評及儀器測定建立一套脆性點心食品的質地特徵,並藉由感官品評及儀器測定建立一套脆性點心食品的質地指標。發現口感脆度及口感粉碎度是脆性點心食品的主要質地品質指標,其中口感粉碎度又會引伸出黏牙等不良的口感,這兩項口感質地指標與儀器測定的剪力值及粉碎度也均有極佳的相關性,相關係數分別是□ = 0.713及 □ = 0.879 (p<0.05)。將這兩類主要質地指標在本研究以感官品評及儀器測定之結果,歸納於二度平面座標圖的座標上,並將不良口感也標示於圖內,即獲得一可供評估脆性點心食品質地品質的「整體質地評估圖」。


The study was to distinguish the texture characteristics of crispy snack food by 「texture profile method」 using selected 9 species of home-made rice extrudates and 9 species of commercial crispy snack foods, then established the texture indices for crispy snack food by employing the sensory evaluation and instrument measurement. We found that sensory characteristics of crispness and fineness were the primary texture parameters, among fineness could cause probably the undesirable mouth-feel, i.e. stickiness, etc. Both shear force presented as crispiness and fineness measured by instrument were related to sensory evaluation, □ = 0.713 and □ = 0.879 (p<0.05), respectively. Crispness and fineness measured by sensory evaluation and instrument measurement in this study could be made an「overall texture assessment profile」 which also marked the undesirable mouth-feel for evaluating the texture quality of crispy snack foods.
