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篇名 旅行社電子報服務品質、顧客價值、滿意度及忠誠度關係之研究
卷期 2:2、2:2
並列篇名 A Study of the Relationships Among the Service Quality, Customers' Values, Satisfaction, and Loyalty for Electronic Newspaper of Travel Service Company
作者 沈進成戴文惠
頁次 181-198
關鍵字 電子報服務品質顧客價值滿意度忠誠度Electronic newspaperService qualityCustomers' valuesSatisfactionLoyalty
出刊日期 200506




In recent years, environmental of Internet are expanding stably, furthermore, “faster”, “effective”, and “low cost”, those are the key points why e-mail become to a powerful tool of marketing. This research taken electronic newspaper of travel service company as a subject, further via a survey questionnaire to examine the influences of service quality, customers’ values, satisfaction and loyalty by linear structure relation model (LISREL). According to the demonstration appeared (1) Most travel agencies just interested about the newly information of visa applied, traveling and the ticket prices, (2) The matters of electronic newspaper is the main factor to the influence on service quality. (3) The practicability is the main factor to the influence on customers’ value. (4) The keep reading is the main factory to the influence on royalty. (5) Service quality positively affects customers’ value and satisfaction. (6) Customers’ value and satisfaction positively affect loyalty. (7) Service quality and loyalty has been overruled to the influence supposition. (8) Customers’ value and customers’ satisfaction has been overruled to the influence supposition. (9) The customer’s values is an important mediator variable for the influence relationship of service quality and loyalty.
