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篇名 臺灣地區水療活動消費者動機、體驗與市場區隔之研究
卷期 1:1、1:1
並列篇名 A Study of Motivation, Experience and Segmentation of Kurhaus Consumers in Tainan Area
作者 陳勁甫蔡郁芬蕭玉華
頁次 49-65
關鍵字 水療參與動機市場區隔體驗KurhausParticipating motivationExperienceMarket segmentation
出刊日期 200409




This study mainly aims to investigate the participating motivation of Kurhaus consumers, and furthermore to segment the market based on the motivation factors. The characteristics of the segmented markets are analyzed. 6 Kurhauses located in Tainan area were selected for implementing the questionnaire of the study. By convenient sampling method, 276 useable samples were obtained from a total number of 420 interviewed respondents from November to December in 2003. The main findings of the study are: (1) three motivation factors emerged as ‘health quality’, ‘leisure-social’ and ‘convenient service’ via factor analysis; (2) three segmented markets were identified as ‘health conscious’, ‘multi-functional’ and ‘service-specific’ via cluster analysis; and (3) the respondents basically rated the overall experience of kurhaus as satisfactory. For segment-specific comparison, the ‘health conscious’ segment shows higher satisfaction and post-purchase behavioral intention than the other two. Some managerial implications and recommendations are also provided in the study.
