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篇名 技職教育實務課程學生滿意度之研究:以國立高雄餐旅學院餐飲實務課程為例
卷期 1:1、1:1
並列篇名 A Research of Student's Satisfaction on Practice Class of Vocational Education: The Example of Food and Beverage Practice Class of National Kaohsiung Hospitality College
作者 郭德賓
頁次 87-104
關鍵字 技職教育滿意度餐飲實務Vocational educationalFood and beverage practiceSatisfaction
出刊日期 200409


本文探討影響技職教育實務課程學生滿意度的相關因素,分析各項因素對學生滿意度的影響效果,比較不同背景特質學生的差異性,並且提出研究結論與建議,以供學校未來課程規劃之參考。在國立高雄餐旅學院的個案研究中發現:1. 影響餐飲實務課程實學生滿意度的相關因素,可以歸納為「課程安排」、「師資與教學」、「教學設備」、「學習成果」與「生涯規劃」五大構面,其中「學習成果」與「生涯規劃」對「整體滿意」、「學習意願」與「推薦傾向」均有顯著的正向影響。但是,「課程安排」只對「學習意願」與「推薦傾向」有顯著正向的影響,「師資與教學」只對「推薦傾向」有顯著的正向影響。此外,「教學設備」對「整體滿意」「學習意願」與「推薦傾向」均無顯著的影響效果。2. 不同「班級」、「性別」、「入學教育背景」與「餐旅工作經驗」的學生,在「整體滿意」、「學習意願」與「推薦傾向」上的差異並不顯著。


By comparing student's different background and character, this research is trying to find out relevant factors that influence student's satisfaction on practical courses of vocational education. Purpose of this research is to offer suggestions for school when planning courses in the future. In a case study of National Kaohsiung Hospitality College, the major findings are as the followings: 1. The five factors that affect student's satisfaction on practical courses of food and beverage are: curriculum arrangement, teachers and teaching method, facilities, learning achievement and career planning. Learning achievement and career planning are the most significant and positive factors to affect the overall satisfaction, willingness of learning, and intention of recommence. Curriculum arrangements can only significantly and positively affect the willingness of learning, and intention of recommence. Teachers and teaching method can only significantly and positively affect the intention of recommence. Otherwise, factor of facilities has no significant effect on overall satisfaction, willingness of learning, and intention of recommence. 2. Actually differences of class, gender, education background and the working experience of food and beverage do not significantly affect on overall satisfaction, willingness of learning, and intention of recommence.
