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篇名 餐飲從業人員與其他消費者對盒餐食用安全及製備流程衛生認知之比較
卷期 4:1、4:1
並列篇名 Comparison of Safety and Sanitation Recognition of Box Meals between Restaurant Workers and Consumers
作者 傅安弘簡嘉靜
頁次 37-62
關鍵字 盒餐食品安全食品衛生食品認證Box mealFood safetyFood sanitationFood certification
出刊日期 200703




Through questionnaire survey of restaurant workers and general consumers in Taiwan, this study tried to understand respondents' box meal consumption behavior, recognition of box meals' safety and processing sanitation, and the level of confidence on Taiwan's cook and food certification systems. The descriptive distribution and Chi-square analyses indicated that 63% of the respondents were frequent consumers of box meals, 90% of them preferred buying box meals at familiar stores, 51.1% of them could accept box meals sold by convenient stores, and considered convenient stores' box meals are better in freshness and sanitation than those sold at general food stores. As for recognition of box meals' eating safety, answers from all respondents showed no significant difference regardless of their occupations. As for respondents' recognition of box meals' processing sanitation, restaurant workers significantly performed better in questions of “glove wearing dosen't necessarily represent better hygiene”, “separate cutting boards should be used for cooked food and raw materials”, and “separate wiping cloths should be used for counter surface, cutting boards and knives”. The overall recognition of box meals' safety and processing sanitation, restaurant workers performed significantly (p<0.05) better than general consumers. Finally, over 90% respondents showed confidence on Taiwan's cook and food certification systems.
