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篇名 海外遊學參與者之行前準備、文化適應、全球觀與個人發展之評估
卷期 5:2、5:2
並列篇名 A Study on Pre-departure, Cultural Adaptability, Global Perspective and Personal Development through Overseas Study Tours
作者 余梅香
頁次 163-184
關鍵字 遊學文化適應全球觀Study tourCultural adaptabilityGlobal perspective
出刊日期 200808




This paper examines the impact that a short-term study abroad program has on participants' cross-cultural adaptability, global perspective enhancement and personal development. One participant survey was administered to students traveling to San Francisco, U.S., and a total of 76 valid samples were received. The data indicated that the short-term tour enhanced cultural awareness and global perspective. Individual differences, such as gender, study abroad experience, the duration and grade level, are noted and the paper provides some discussion of the impact of the study abroad program on specific subscales within the instrument. Cultural open-mindedness and well preparation help better cross-cultural adaptability and global perspective development.
