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篇名 麥芽糖基海藻糖漿對烘焙產品物化性質之影響
卷期 5:2、5:2
並列篇名 Effects of Maltosyltrehalose Syrup on the Physicochemical Properties of Bakery Products
作者 徐永鑫廖漢雄宋文杰黃湞鈺
頁次 211-225
關鍵字 烘焙產品麥芽糖基海藻糖漿老化官能品評組織Bakery productMaltosyltrehalose syrupStalingSensory evaluationTexture
出刊日期 200808


本研究以麥芽糖基海藻糖漿(maltosyltrehalose syrup)?原料,探討對戚風蛋糕、重奶油蛋糕、天使蛋糕及銅鑼燒等烘焙產品品質之影響。實驗結果顯示,未以麥芽糖基海藻糖漿取代砂糖之戚風蛋糕有最高之硬度值,其值?61.7g,以30%取代者?53.1g,硬度值最低者?取代50%者,其值?44.1g,顯示麥芽糖基海藻糖漿取代砂糖可有效降低戚風蛋糕硬度值,且未以麥芽糖基海藻糖漿取代之蛋糕內部組織較?粗糙,經取代30%及50%後,內部組織顯得較?均一且細緻。在重奶油蛋糕部份,以30%麥芽糖基海藻糖漿取代者有較佳之內部組織。在天使蛋糕部份,未以麥芽糖基海藻糖漿取代砂糖之麵糊,泡沬孔洞較大且粗糙,而以30%及50%麥芽糖基海藻糖漿取代者,泡沬孔洞較小且細緻,顯示泡沬安定性較佳。經官能品評試驗,重奶油蛋糕以30%麥芽糖基海藻糖漿取代砂糖者有最高之產品接受性,而戚風蛋糕與天使蛋糕皆以30%及50%取代者有較高之產品接受性。以麥芽糖基海藻糖漿所製作之銅鑼燒,外表W.I.值?39.15,麥芽糖漿及葡萄糖漿所做出之銅鑼燒顏色較暗且較深,W.I.值分別?37.59及36.73,此因麥芽糖基海藻糖?非還原糖,因此較不易著色,顏色較淡。綜合本研究結果,顯示麥芽糖基海藻糖漿應用於烘焙蛋糕產品可使組織更加細緻且增加官能品評接受性。


Effects of addition of maltosyltrehalose syrup on the qualities of chiffon cake, pound cake, angel cake, and dorayaki were investigated. Compared to sucrose control, crumb hardness was reduced from 61.7g to 53.1g and 44.1g with 30% and 50% maltosyltrehalose syrup, respectively, in chiffon cake. The internal structure of chiffon cake substituting sucrose with maltosyltrehalose syrup was finer and smoother than without. Pound cake substituted with 30% maltosyltrehalose syrup had more favorable internal structure than that of the sucrose control by panelists. There are more fine air bubbles observed in the paste of angel cake with 30% and 50% sucrose substitution. Addition of maltosyltrehalose syrup to dorayaki increased the wihite index value (W.I.=39.15) of the crust. Dorayaki made with addition of maltose syrup and glucose syrup had lower W.I. values (W.I.=39.15 for maltose and W.I.=36.73 for glucose syrup) than that of maltosyltrehalose. It may due to maltosyltrehalose is a non-reducing sugar and it will not react with amino acid for maillard reaction. So the color of its baking products will have lighter color. Overall results indicated that chiffon and angel cakes with higher sensory acceptability and improved texture profile were produced at 30% and 50% maltosyltrehalose syrup substitution. Maltosyltrehalose syrup was more efficient in inhibiting the staling of cake products and improving their texture and overall acceptability.
