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篇名 Performance Analysis of High Speed Fiber LAN
卷期 3:1
並列篇名 高速光纖網路之效益分析
作者 游張松張銀益
頁次 385-408
關鍵字 ScopusTSSCI
出刊日期 199205


高速光纖網路(HIGHSPEED FIBER LAN)為資料通訊(DATA COMMUNICATION)開創 了一個新的紀元,在這篇論文,我們提出一種高速光纖a網路之模型,並加以研究。此.模型包含多個以太網路(ETHERNET) ,並利用一個分散式資料處理光纖介面(FDDI)充作中樞環(BACKBONERING)來連接每一個以太網路o 為了便利對此模型進行效益評估研究,我們將此模型中的資料到達過程(MESSAGE ARRIVALS)假設成馬可夫過程模型(恥RK仰IAN)且其資料長度具有指數分配 (EXPONENTIAL DISTRIBUTED)特性o我們的效益評估發現,此高速光纖網路(以下 簡稱F網路,F-LAN)較傳統的以太網路能夠負載更高的資料流量(DATA TRAFFIC)


High Speed Fiber LAN provides a new era for data communication. In this paper, a model for High Speed Fiber LAN (F-LAN) is presented. This extended F -LAN consists of multiple Ethernet segments interconnected by an FDDI backbone ring.
For performance study, message arrivals are assumed to be Markovian with exponentially distributed message lengths. The performance analysis shows that this F-LAN can support much more data traffic. It is known that Ethernet works very well if data traffic is small (eg. smaller than 0.5 pkt/sec), and could be infeasible if data traffic is high (eg. 1 pkt/sec). By dividing a heavy traffic Ethernet LAN into multiple light traffic segments, F-LAN can support heavy load communication networks (even if the traffic arrival rate is greater than 1 pkt/sec), and keep every Ethernet segment working properly.
In this paper, we give a mathematical expression to describe the performance of the F - LAN model, and write a simulation program to simulate the F -LAN system. Based on computational results and simulational results, we show how F-LAN can be used to improve the performance of a given local area network.

