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篇名 「間」與崇高:由內在之「間」到歷史的符號
卷期 36:10=425
並列篇名 The In-Between and the Sublime:From Immanent In-Between to the Sign of History
作者 林志明
頁次 055-080
關鍵字 中國畫論康德美學余蓮李歐塔大象無形歷史的符號Chinese Painting TheoryKantian AestheticsFrançois JullienJ.-F.LyotardGreat Image Sign of HistoryA&HCI
出刊日期 200910




In confronting the traditional Chinese art thought and the ideas in
western aesthetics, the contrast between the In-between(間) and the Sublime seems where in a quick glance lies most strong tension. This paper projects to follow, in the first moment, the analysis of a coherent In-between notions network through the reading of François Jullien of the Chinese traditional discourse on painting. In the second moment, it will turn to Jean- François Lyotard’s discussion of the sublime, for eventually, trying to find a more profound understanding of each way of thinking art and the world by asking if there is any In-between pattern in the analysis of sublime and a quasi-sublime feeling in the In-between as both come to term with the un-presentable. In the end of this article, through the exploration of Lyotard’s interpretation of the Kant’s notion of the Sign of History, we find a concept of the “passage”, very
close to the thought of the “In-between”.
