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篇名 論王弼對言、象、意關係之考察及其意義
卷期 36:10=425
並列篇名 On Wang Bi’s View of Relationship and Meaning of Yan,Xiang, Yi
作者 許瑞娟
頁次 163-180
關鍵字 王弼言意之辨Wang BiSpeechMeaningDistinction Between Speech and MeaningImageA&HCI
出刊日期 200910




In the discussion about the “distinction between speech and
meaning,” the metaphysicians sorted out the two methods—“analyses
and distinctions” along with “obtaining meaning while forgetting
speech”—to address the problems with Confucian Classics of the Han
Dynasties and in turn to construct a doctrinal system. Among the
metaphysicians’ ideas, the most notable one is definitely Wang Bi’s
concept of speech and meaning. Wang not only expressed his ideas
about speech, image, and meaning, but also proposed the metaphysical
methods of “analyses and distinctions” along with “obtaining meaning
while forgetting speech”; he applied these methods to his commentaries
of Confucian Classics, which were generally accepted and utilized by
later metaphysicians. In view of the importance of Wang Bi’s concept of
speech and meaning, this paper is to discuss three main sections: first,
inquiring the possible implications of speech, image and meaning as well
as the relationships between them; second, reviewing Wang Bi’s concept
of speech and meaning by means of the “distinction between speech and
meaning” along with the two perspectives of metaphysical methodology;
and finally, making a general statement about the significance and
influence of Wang’s concept of speech and meaning and discussing its
possible limits.
