
台灣公共衛生雜誌 ScopusTSSCI

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篇名 臺灣地區嬰兒出生體重與妊娠週數分佈之長期變化趨勢
卷期 22:5、22:5
並列篇名 Long-term Secular Trends in Birth Weight and Gestational Age among Live Births in Taiwan
作者 李佩珍郭素珍鄧森文呂宗學李中一
頁次 376-385
關鍵字 妊娠週數出生體重早產低出生體重出生登記Gestational ageBirth weightPre-term birthLow birth weightBirth registryScopusTSSCI
出刊日期 200310




     Objectives: To analyze the calendar-year specific distributions of birth weight and gestational age among live births in Taiwan for the years 1982, 1987, 1992, and 1997. Methods: After excluding implausible gestational age and birth weight, we calculated calendar or birth characteristics specific means and standard deviations of gestational age and birth weight. We also estimated the calendar-year specific rates of low birth infants (<2500 grams) and pre-term birth (<37 completed gestational weeks). Certain infant and maternal characteristics suspected of being associated with birth weight or gestational age were also calculated. We finally draw a gestation specific birth weight curve for the years 1982 and 1997, respectively. Results: The mean birth weight decreased by 3.2% (105 grams) between 1982 and 1997, and the rate of low birth weight of infant increased by 33.3%. The gestational weeks also reduced by 2.3% (0.9 weeks) and the rate of pre-term birth increased dramatically by 230% (2.6%-6.3%). Triplets or higher births showed the most reduction in both birth weight (16.8%) and gestational age (8.5%). Between the study period, the sex ratio and birth order distribution showed little variation whereas the proportion of mothers aged 35 or more and that of multiple births increased substantially by 3.8 and 13 times, respectively. Conclusions: The reduction of birth weight and gestation during the study period is possibly related to improvement in both health care services and completeness of birth registration. An increase in multiple births and a higher survival rate of very pre-term birth (<34 weeks) might also contribute to the reduction of birth weight in recent years.
