
台灣公共衛生雜誌 ScopusTSSCI

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篇名 護理人員參與管理相關科系之在職進修動機與影響因素
卷期 22:5、22:5
並列篇名 Motivation and Factors Influencing Nurse Continuing Education Participating in Hospital Management Degree Program
作者 蕭世槐曾淑惠陳姮君鄞雅慧沙素娟郭美慧
頁次 393-402
關鍵字 在職進修動機因素影響因素In-Service educationMotivational factorsAffecting factorsScopusTSSCI
出刊日期 200310




     Objective: The aims of this study were to investigate the motivational factors of nurses participating the evening in-service education course which was a non-specialty graduated degree program, and examine the relationships among motivation, and affecting factors of participation. Method: According to the literature review, the study design was a cross-sectional study, and administrated an acceptable reliability, validity and structural questionnaire for gathering empirical data. The Non-random sampling sample was 228 students (responded rate was 94.2%) enrolled in the nursing management program from two universities in Southern Taiwan. Results: The results were shown : the most five important motivational factors were taking the degree of bachelor, widening self outlook for future change, enriching professional knowledge, pursuing self-affirmation/self-accomplishment, satisfying self's desire of knowledge, and acquiring knowledge. The factor analysis and linear regression analysis were utilized to analyze the data for advance findings. Four advanced motivational factors were extracted from thirty-two items of questionnaire, including self-growth, employment and career development, peer competition, and escape and stimulation. The total variance was about 48.9%. Moreover, the most important factors which affected nurses' choosing in-service school were the schedule of courses programs, the distance from the work place to the school, the distance from home to the school, school's hardware and facilities, and the learning climate of the school. The thirteen affected factors were be grouped as four factors, including courses planning, geographic distance of the school, cost of degree, and overall evaluation of school. Making further investigation, there were a few factors which affected on the motivational factors, including work experience(year), strength of family support, number of previous employers, number of children, total income when living together, personal income, cost of academic degree, and overall evaluation. Conclusions: the most important motivational factor of nurses participated in in-service education was taking the degree of bachelors. This was distinctly different with other researches. The affected factors of nurses' choosing school were sharply different from others'.
