
台灣公共衛生雜誌 ScopusTSSCI

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篇名 社會階層、社會心理因素對大學生運動行為之影響
卷期 24:4、24:4
並列篇名 The Influences of Socioeconomic Status and Psychosocial Factors in Exercise Behaviors among Undergraduates
作者 張淑紅
頁次 325-334
關鍵字 社會階層社會心理因素運動行為大學生Socioeconomic statusPsychosocialExercise behaviorsUndergraduatesScopusTSSCI
出刊日期 200508




     Objectives: This study investigated the exercise behaviors and correlates among undergraduate students at National Taiwan University.Methods: A cross-sectional telephone interview was used to collect information about students' exercise behaviors, socioeconomic status (SES) and psychosocial factors.Results: Among 397 students being interviewed, 62.7% of them had self-reported durable exercise. However, according to the ACSM's (American College of Sports Medicine) definition, only 24.2% of the students were qualified as having regular exercise, including 31.6% male students and 16.0% female students. Junior students were likely to have regular exercise than senior students (31.6% vs. 17.6%). Students with parents who had higher education were prone to regularly exercise, and this was more obvious in female students. Gender, grade, and perceived health status were predictors of regular exercise behaviors for all subjects. Grade and level of disposable income were predictors of regular exercise behaviors in male students. Mother's education level was the only predictor of regular exercise behaviors in female students.Conclusion: Regular exercise is generally not appreciated by university students. SES and psychosocial factors are associated with the practice of regular exercise in these students. It is worthwhile to make efforts to improve regular exercise behaviors among students.
