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篇名 含人模虛擬場景之互動設定與控制以支援產品設計人因評估
卷期 4:3
並列篇名 Human-included VR Model Interaction Specification and Control for Human-Centered Design Evaluation
作者 孫天龍陳振豪鍾珮元馮文陽趙金榮
頁次 279-282
關鍵字 虛擬實境互動控制產品設計人因評估virtual realityinteraction controlproduct designergonomics evaluation
出刊日期 200907


而止步,也大幅降低業界使用虛擬原型的意願。本研究首先提出一個以VRML為基礎的VR模型以支援可及時互動的含人模產品虛擬原型,接者提出以派翠網(Petri Net) 來系統化地描述虛擬人模與物件間互動關係,讓不熟悉VR程式撰寫的專業人員如產品設計人員或人因專家可快速建構含人模產品虛擬原型,支援需要物件操作的績效評估。


As the hardware and software technology of 3D digital content have greatly
improved, the feasibility to use a human-included virtual environment (VE) for ergonomics evaluation in product design have increased. In the human-included VE developed by previous researches, the digital human (DH) only interacts with the virtual objects by touching them or reaching to a point. Such interaction model is suitable for function or operation related design features, but not suitable for other design features like those related to assembly or maintenance. For these evaluation tasks, the DH has to grab the virtual objects and manipulate them. To do so, the
interactions between the DH and the grabbed objects must be programmed. This process, however, is usually time-consuming and error-prone, and hence seldom addressed by previous researches. This research develops a systematic way to specify and control the interactions between the DH and the virtual objects. First, a conceptual VR model for a real-time driven, human-included virtual prototype is proposed. Then a Petri-Net (PN) based method is proposed to systematically describe the interactions between the virtual human and the objects. The graphic structure of PN makes it easy to design, interpret and maintain the states and translations for manipulating the grabbed objects.

