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篇名 以離散事件模擬進行晶圓代工回收水系統流程之設計與分析
卷期 4:3
並列篇名 The Use of Discrete-event Simulation for the Design and Analysis of the Reclaim-water System from an IC Foundry Fab
作者 王炯柱楊大和
頁次 295-304
關鍵字 回收水晶圓代工離散事件模擬精實系統思考法reclaim-water systemdiscrete-event simulationLean Thinking
出刊日期 200907


本研究以晶圓代工之公司為例,解決問題重點放在降低冬季回收水的浪費。本研究藉由Arena 系統模擬工具以離散事件方法模擬運轉中的系統現況,模擬實際製程用水回收處理現況,再利用部分精實系統思考法的精神,檢討回收水設計流程是否符合精實觀念,杜絕浪費創造利潤,最後調整製程流程的前後順序,進行消除浪費[1]之改善工程模擬分析,如此不需增加新的回收技術,僅需調整回收水流程,便可提高回收水的運轉效率,並以實際改善工程驗證之。此份研究報告除了說明有效率的使用回收水,將可以進而提高回收水回收率的實際案例,提出系統流程改善的建議。借用精實系統思考法的精神,可以提供相關工程人員参考的不同方向,避免陷入技術改善的迷失。


In the essay related to the reclaim water presently, it almost discusses the technology and methods of the new equipment which can improve the efficiency to increase the rate of recovery. For the full load factory, it must be undertaken the high risk and cost lost to build up the new technology reclaim equipment, because of changing the operation situation such as reclaim water quantity and quality…etc.
According to Lean Thinking, the paper is to review the procedure of the reclaim water system if meeting with the Lean Thinking or not, to stop wasting and to gain benefits. It simulates the real procedure of the reclaim water system, adjusts the orders of procedure and improves to stop wasting with the discrete-event of Arena system simulation. It can improve the operation efficiency of the reclaim water without adding
new technology.

