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篇名 多樓層設施佈置之研究
卷期 4:3
並列篇名 Solving the Problem in Multiple-floor Facilities Layout
作者 黃祥熙黃昱偉張殷豪
頁次 305-311
關鍵字 多樓層設施佈置空間填滿曲線電梯配置門檻值接受法multi-floor facility layoutspace filling curvethreshold acceptingelevators location
出刊日期 200907


本研究提出一個部門面積不相等下,考量電梯配置位置的多樓層設施佈置問題,並建構一個三階段啟發式演算法,第一階段先進行部門分層佈置;第二階段進行樓層內配置;第三階段則進行電梯配置。本研究以門檻值接受法 (TA) 進行求解,並以空間填滿曲線 (SFC) 串連各部門。在與以往相關文獻之目標函數值相較後,本研究之求解成本值甚至優於未含電梯個案之成本,故可供決策者作為多樓層設施佈置時之參考。


This research is related to the layout design considering with problems of
multi-floor and elevators’ location designs. The developing procedures include three stages: the first stage is to assign appropriate departments for each floor; the second stage is the traditional plant layout design within a floor; the third stage is to search feasible locations for different sets of elevators. The Threshold Accepting (TA)
algorithm is used for finding feasible solution. This research also uses space filling curve (SFC) method to find the optimal solution for locating departments. The analyzed results show that the proposed procedures and methods can reduce 58.25% the vertical material handling cost compared used in the same example. This result also shows that the proposed method can obtain better performance than previews researches.

