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篇名 探索餐旅服務業之公共關係認知與實踐
卷期 6:3
並列篇名 Exploratory Study on the Perception and Practice of the Public Relations in the Hospitality Industry
作者 簡君倫洪雪華
頁次 239-262
關鍵字 餐旅服務業公關探索性研究認知實踐ospitality industrypublic relationsexploratory studyperceptionpractice
出刊日期 200909




In Taiwan, there are very few scholars conducting research related to public relations (called PR for short). The aim of this study is to explore the business owner and manager practices and perception toward public relations in the hotel, restaurant and travel industry. This study conducts a qualitative semi-structured interview and content analysis targeting the hospitality industry in the major western cities. Further, this study received valid samples from business owners and managers by interviewing 35 people from 11 hotels, 19 restaurants and 6 travel agencies. The finding of this research shows that the interviewees’ practice and perception toward public relations is very likely influenced by the limitation of the company’s scope. With regard to the comprehension of PR specialization and implementation, the viewpoint of the integrated marketing and media was considered the main direction of PR practice.
