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篇名 綠化植栽對大氣中懸浮微粒淨化效能評估
卷期 34、34
並列篇名 Assessment of the Purifying Efficiency of Plants to Particles in Air
作者 鍾佩伶仲崇毅李芳胤郭耀綸
頁次 1-8
關鍵字 懸浮微粒植物淨化效能Suspend particlesPlantsPurifying efficiency
出刊日期 200903


植物可吸收空氣污染物質,清除有害氣體,同時葉部亦有攔截粒狀污染物之效果,而各類樹種對防治空氣污染的功效有所差異,因此若能針對地域性的特殊環境狀況,選擇適當的綠化樹種,將能更有效地達到綠美化與淨化空氣之目的。本研究探討綠化植栽對空氣中微粒物質的淨化效果,以鋼鐵廠為研究對象,還取19種常見綠化樹種進行評估。於鋼鐵廠高爐作業區及污染較低之學校區分別置放試驗樹種,試驗共為期16個月,試驗結束後,藉由葉片累積微粒物質含量分析其攔截粒狀物效能。結果顯示,對大氣中微粒淨化效能以蘭嶼肉豆是最佳,淨化量為29.1g/m2 ;其次為稜呆榕與海芒果,淨化量分別24.2與17.4g/m2。較 差者為鳳凰木、香楠與苦棟等植物,其中鳳凰木單位葉面積淨化量為5.2g/m2 ,僅為蘭嶼肉豆是之間%。植物葉面大小與截取之懸浮微粒量問相關靜、數為o.紗,顯示葉面大之植物其單片葉片能截留較多固體物者,其總淨化懸浮微粒能力較強。


Plants can absorb the air pollution. Itcan remove the harmful gas in air. The leaves can intercept the particles. The tolerance responses of different trees species are different toward air pollutants. Itis effective to get the goal of green environment and clean air when we choice the fit plants. The aim of this research assesses the purifying efficiency of plants to particles in air. We choice 19 common green trees, put these testing trees at the steel factory for 16 months. We also put the same trees at a school which the air is clean. At the end of this experiment, we analyze the particles content on the testing plants leave. The results show that, the order of best purifying efficiency to particles is Myristica cagayanensis, Ficus septica and Cerbera manghas. The purifying volumes are 29.1, 24.2 and 17.4 g/m2, respectively. Delonix regia, Machilus zuihoensis and and Melia azedarach display the worst purifying efficiency to particles. The purifying volumes to particles of Delonix regia is 18% of Myristica cagayanensis. The correlation coefficient between leave areas and particles mass is 0.89. Itshows that the bigger leave area, the more efficiency of purifying.
