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篇名 中級への導入レべルにおける文法分析指導--音読と黙読の視点から=以音讀、默讀的觀點探討中級導入階段的文法分析指導
卷期 34、34
並列篇名 The Guidance of Japanese Grammar Analysis within Intermediate Introducing Level in Terms of Read-Aloud and Silent Reading
作者 顏甄
頁次 9-22
關鍵字 中級導入階段音讀默讀音讀併用法Intermediate introducing levelRead-aloudSilent readingIntegrative silent readingRead-aloud instruction
出刊日期 200903




The subjects of this paper are twenty-two students who study in the fourth year Japanese Division of Applied Language Department at Tajen University, there are 22 students passed in third degree of Japanese Language proficiency test (JLPT),and 7 students passed in second degree of JLPT. The Japanese grammar test is divided into A (read-aloud) and B(silent reading), this study proposes to compare the effects of the teaching approches ,andplanning to analyze whether the score is deeply affected by reading habit or not.
The results of student t-test conclude that read-aloud have significant positive effect on test score in the elementary later period, but there is insignificant effect in the intermediate level. Besides, the results indicate the reading habit based on read-aloud have significant positive effect on test score in the elementary later period, while there is insignificant effect in the intermediate level as well. According to the analysis as mentioned above, Read-aloud is more suitable than silent reading in the elementary later period, and the integrative read-aloud, silent reading instruction is worth adopting in the intermediate level.
Regarding the pedagogy of Japanese grammar analysis, the most important task requires fulfilling will be the detailed explaination of instructor, and the learners need to read articles by read-aloud or integrative read-aloud, silent reading method firstly, this king of training would be good for students grammar comprehension.
