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篇名 深植安全暨衛生之教學實驗環境之研究
卷期 34、34
並列篇名 Investigation on Implementing Safety and Hygiene Teaching and Experimental Environments
作者 劉麗寶郭性麟尤俊煇葉勝雄何瑞彰
頁次 23-29
關鍵字 安全衛生評估作業環境測定Safety and hygieneAssessWorking environment monitoring
出刊日期 200903


校園學生實驗場所常因所屬排氣櫃的排氣量不足,實驗室通風設計不良,照度不足及其它安全措施的缺失,導致上課於其間的學生及教師的健康受到影響或更嚴重的造成實驗場所的氣爆。為了提升學生在校園實驗場所的安全性,本計畫將針對校園學生實驗實習場所進行安全評估並作改善建議。本研究靜、利用修習作業環境測定的大學部及研究所學生來進行學生實驗實習場所的安全評估。隨機選擇十五間的校園學生實驗實習場所進行照度,02濃度, CO 濃度,C02濃度, H2S濃度,可燃性氣體爆炸下限(LEL)及所屬排氣櫃的排氣量進行安全評估並 對不合格的實驗實習場所提出改善方案。評估學生實驗實習場所的安全性,測定結果:照度不合格率46.6%,CO不合格率46.6%'H2S不合格率60.0%。針對照 度測定結果而言,顯示實驗實習場所光源、之選定與燈其之配置並不理想、,應注意室內空間景象及內部設施與用途決定照明狀態,考慮燈其之折舊像數,使光線均勻發揮整體照明與局部照明之效果,建議定期實施照度測定,汰換不良燈其,才能符合最低照度之要求。有關CO、H2S濃度不合格率偏高方面,顯示部分實驗室空間狹小,已然形成通風換氣不良之侷限空間,應改善整體換氣與局部排氣之通風效率,若為裝設冷氣之實驗室應注意與外界換氣不能只是室內循環,加強通風量,定期實施濃度測定,避免引起不過或危害。


This project was designed to implement the teaching and environmental achievements on the safety and hygiene developments. Besides the improvements on the experimental equipments by using capital expenses, this project also trained a group of students who processed working environment monitoring experience and then become the safety and hygiene assessing root personnels. 15 students laboratories was randomly choosed to study the indoor air quality (IAQ).Measured parameters include the concentrations of O2, CO, CO2, H2S, lower explosive level (LEL), indoor temperature, relative humidity, environmetal illuminace, and air speed of hood. The result on monitoring the experimental environment showed that 46.6% of the environmental illuminace was below the standard, 46.6% of the environmental failed to follow the CO standard and 60.0% of the environments failed to the H2S standard. As far as the illumination was concerned, the result showed that the environments did not select suitable light source and adequate light set locations. Indoor space scene and interior setups can determine the illumination status. Thus, regularly monitor local illuminance and change bad light sets are recommended. As far as the high CO and H2S concentration are concerned, it is obvious that the environment space was not big enough and general displacement of the indoor air and outdoor air, and local exhaust system are recommended. For laboratories that was equipped with air conditioning system, CO and H2S concentration should be monitored at least every six months in order to prevent damage to human health.
