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篇名 老人參與休閒運動之探討
卷期 34、34
並列篇名 The Research of Elders to Participate the Leisure Sport
作者 徐茂洲李福恩曾盛義
頁次 69-76
關鍵字 老人休閒運動EldersLeisure sport
出刊日期 200903




This research aims to promote the elders to participate the leisure sport, because engaged in the leisure sport is not only the world fashion, but also brings the greatest benefit to people. Leisure sport in regular pattern may enable to elders to keep health, excellent interpersonal communication and self-confidence. The elders should pay more attention to keep their physical and moral health, more participate in the leisure sport, and develop multiple elder's leisure sport. The leisure's promotion could depend on sex and interest to make a suitable choice. The research aims at making a review about the related form and the benefit of elders take part in leisure sport, and the strategy of promoting the elders' participant leisure. And following conclusion was:
Government related units should promote leisure sport in a positive attitude, could take advantage of local resource, for example: township public place, local university/college, and YMCA agency to promote right concept of leisure sport., foster or attract more and more elders take part in leisure sport, leading elder participant leisure sport actively, and also become satisfied with life.
