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篇名 The Inferiority Complex of Richard in Shakespeare's King Richard III and Henry VI, Part III
卷期 34、34
並列篇名 莎士比亞《理查三世》與《亨利六世》中理查之自卑情結
作者 郭晉榕
頁次 77-89
關鍵字 理查三世自卑心理Richard IIIInferiority complex
出刊日期 200903




The purpose of this paper is to analyze Richard's characterization in Shakespeare's King Richard III and Henry VI Part III. In King Richard III, as different from his former history plays, Shakespeare centers his interest on the portrayal of one character, King Richard. In this play, Richard actually becomes the central character who really sets the action of the play in progress. That his ruthless quest of the English throne should arouse the audience's interest may be to a great extent due to his psychology. In this essay, I especially discuss his inferiority complex, the transference of his erotic wishes to his ambitious wish, to become king, his attitude to women and finally the chastisement of his conscience, which defines his humanity.
