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篇名 大專女子足球選手伸展訓練對柔軟能力與爆發力之影響
卷期 29
並列篇名 The Relationship between Flexibility and Power by Means of the Collegiate Female Soccer Players' Stretching Training
作者 曾媚美謝志君薛慧玲王秀銀
頁次 91-104
關鍵字 PowerFlexibilityStretching trainingFemale soccer player女子足球爆發力柔軟能力伸展訓練
出刊日期 200506


 本研究旨在瞭解女子足球選手伸展訓練對柔軟能力與爆發力之的,並以24位醒吾技術學院女子足球選手為研究對象(平均年齡為19.60±5.91歲,身高199.77±3.47公分,體重57.33±3.69公斤,球齡9.33±2.96年)。測試坐姿體前彎,並以平衡次序法區分為三組:控制組、PNF訓練組與儀器輔助(伸展椅)訓練組。三組受試者除每週接受相同的技術訓練外,同時實施每週訓練5天,每天三次的伸展訓練;訓練前後測試其坐姿體前彎、垂直跳、立定跳、30公尺跑,以皮爾遜積差相關法探討彼此的關係;再以重複量數t檢定比較兩種訓練效果是否有差異。研究發現,伸展訓練對柔軟能力、垂直跳與立定跳都有顯著的效果。其結果如下: 一、柔軟能力越佳者垂直跳、立定跳之類的肌力性富發力越佳(r分別為.41、.43,p<.05)。30公尺跑之類的進度性爆發力,則沒有顯著相關(r=-.38,p>.05)。二、PNF訓練組、儀器輔助(伸展椅)訓練組之坐姿體前彎、垂直跳、立定跳皆有顯著的效果(p<.05);30公尺跑則沒有顯著差異(p>.05)。


This study aimed to investigate the relationship between flexibility and power by means of female soccer players’ stretching training. A total of 24 female soccer players from Hsing Wu College participated in this study (age 19.60±5.91 159.77±3.47 cm, weight 57.33±3.69 kg, the year of playing soccer 9.33±2.96 years). In this study , sit and reach and group match were used to measure participants’ flexibility so as to divid them into there groups: control group, stretching-chair training group, and PNF training group. In addition to the technical training, the participants obtained a stretching training three times a day, five days a week. The participants’ performance of sit a reach, vertical jump, broad jump, and 30 running were measured before and after the training courses by the following methods: Pearson Product-Moment Correlation was used to measure the relationship among those factors, dependent t-test was used to find out the differences between two training courses. Within the scope of this study, the following results were derived: 1.The better the flexibility one performed, the better the power of vertical jump and broad jump one obtained (r=.41, .43; p<.05). No significant difference was found between 30-meter power and flexibility. 2. The performance on sit and reach, vertical jump, and broad jump (t=-4.96、-4.87、-2.47; p<.05) is significantly better than that of 30-meter running (t=-.93; p<.05) in both PNF group and stretching-chair group.
