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篇名 Scientific Attitudes, Laboratory Environment, and Achievement
卷期 29
並列篇名 科學態度,實驗室環境,與科學成就
作者 李景謹林清秀Lin, Ching-hsiu)
頁次 123-139
關鍵字 CorrelationAchievementPerceptionsLaboratory EnvironmentScientific Attitudes成就認知相關性實驗室環境科學態度
出刊日期 200506


鼓勵學生對科學產生喜好來提高學生的科學學習麥悲是科學教育的目標之一。文獻指出良好的科學態度與對科學的良好態度與科學學習成就之間關係明顯。並且營造實驗室環境是提高學生學習結果及成就的關鍵之一。 本研究結果發現學生科學態度可直接影響科學學習成就,而學生對求驗室環境的認知亦是影響科學學習成就的間接因素。


One goal of the science education is to encourage students to have favorable attitudes toward science for the effects of students’ learning. Many studies indicate that attitude toward science and scientific attitudes are closely related to achievement in science. In addition, to create positive learning environments is a key to improving student achievement in science. In addition, to create positive learning environments is a key to improving student achievement because it is linked empirically with student outcomes. The finding of the study revealed that scientific attitude is the direct factor in affecting achievement. The perceptions of laboratory environment affect students’ achievement in science indirectly.
