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篇名 不同通風狀態室內燒香產生PM[fede]濃度變化之研究
卷期 19:3、19:3
並列篇名 Distribution of PM[fede]Concentration from Incense Burning under Different Ventilation Condition--Indoor Study
作者 高玫鍾龍世俊
頁次 214-220
關鍵字 燒香室內空氣污染環境監測PM[fede]Incense burningIndoor air pollutionEnvironmental monitoringTSCI
出刊日期 200006


     目標:本研究模擬一般居家室內燒香情形,探討PM10濃度隨通風狀況、時間及距離之變化,以推估民眾在家燒香所可能暴露之PM10濃度範圍。方法:在密閉及通風狀態之室內各採樣4天,依照距燒香源之遠近取3採樣點,採樣時間則分燒香時、香燒完後3小時內及第4至第6小時等3時段。以流量2L/min之採樣幫浦配上個人懸浮微粒採樣頭,內為直徑37mm之鐵弗龍濾紙。結果:密閉與通風室內PM10濃度達統計上顯著差異。燒香時密閉室內的PM10濃度平均值約為390~731mg/m3,通風之濃度平均值約為154~185mg/m3。通風時,在燒完香 後3小時內濃度即已降至室內背景值;而密閉狀態在燒完香後6小時,其PM10濃度雖減少,但仍比室內背景值高出約300mg/m3。密閉室內燒完香後PM10濃度呈均勻分布;而通風室內PM10濃度則呈現隨距離稍稍遞減的現象。結論:民眾拜拜時暴露之PM10濃度比平時高出至少1倍以上,在通風不佳時甚至高出10倍。建議民眾最好在通風良好之室內拜香,可減少約200-500mg/m3之PM10暴露濃度,降低燒香所導致之健康危害。


     Objectives: This study is to simulate incense burning in an indoor environment under two different conditions: closed and well-ventilated. The changes of PM10 concentration over time and distance were evaluated. Accordingly, personal exposures from incense burning indoors were estimated. Methods: Sampling was conducted for four days under each condition. Three sampling locations were chosen: near the burning place, in the middle of the room and in the farthest corner of the room. Samples were ta ken in three different periods: during incense burning, zero to three hours, and 4th to 6th hours after incense burning. Personal Environment Monitors were used as sampling instrument which were mounted with Teflon filters and connected to pumps with 2 L/min flow rate. Results: The difference of PM10 concentration between the closed and well-ventilated conditions was statistically significant. PM10 concentrations during incense burning were around 390~731 mg/m3 and 154~185 mg/m3 in th e closed and well-ventilated environments, respectively. Concentrations reduced to background levels within 3 hours after incense burning under well-ventilated conditions, while the concentrations in closed environment were about 300mg/m3 higher than the background levels even after 6 hours of incense burning. In the closed room, PM10 concentrations were evenly-distributed after incense burning. However, in the well-ventilated condition, they were slightly decreased with the distance from the bu rning site. Conclusions: While burning incenses, people would be exposed to twice the PM10 concentrations than usually do. Exposure may be as high as 10 times under poor-ventilated environment. It is recommended to burn incenses in a well-ventilated environment in order to avoid the elevated particulate exposure.
