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篇名 運動價值觀與運動參與行為之研究--以醒吾技術學院學生為例
卷期 31
並列篇名 The Study on Sports Values and Sports Participation in Hsing Wu College Students
作者 張登聰
頁次 87-115
關鍵字 運動價值觀運動參與行為Sports valuesSports participation
出刊日期 200606


本研究之主要目的,在於針對醒吾技術學院學生進行運動價值觀與運動參與行為之調查,主要內容包含受訪者對於運動的價值觀、與對運動的參與行為,並以研究者自編之「運動價值觀與運動參與行為之調查問卷」為工具,進行資料之收集,共計1,086分有效問卷。資料處理工具為SPSS for Windows 8.0版統計軟體,並以平均數、標準差、百分比、相對次數、獨立樣本t檢定及單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)等統計方法處理、分析,結果發現: 一、學生最常從事的運動種類依序為「球類」、「跑步及攀岩類」及「舞蹈類」。 二、學生沒有從事運動的原因,前三項依序為「課業太忙碌,沒有時間運動」、「上課後感到疲倦,沒有體力運動」和「因為沒有建立運動的習慣」。 三、學生普遍以每週參與運動「1、2次」者為最多,佔62.98%。 四、學生每次從事運動以持續「20分鐘以上~1小時」的比例最高,佔36.46%;「1小時~2小時」的比例次之,佔27.99%。 五、學生從事運動的激烈程度以「第8等級(有一點吃力)」之強度為最多(27.16%);其次為「第6等級(輕鬆)」之強度(25.41%);再其次為「第7等級(介於有一點吃力與輕鬆)」之運動強度(15.29%) 六、學生於「下午」從事運動的比例最高(50.83%);其次為「上午」時段(20.99%);再其次為「夜間」時段(19.06%)。 七、學生從事運動時,以「同學」為同伴者為最多(37.75%);「朋友」次之(25.51%)。 八、學生從事運動的地點以「學校場地」為最多;相對次數為71.09;其次為「家裡」,相對次數為53.68。 九、學生到達從事運動的地點,所需時間在「10分鐘(含)以下」者居多(49.36%);其次為「11~30分鐘」(33.24%)。 十、不同科系別、年級及家庭收入之學生在運動價值觀上皆有顯著差異。 十一、不同性別、科系別、年級及家庭收入之學生在運動參與行為上皆有顯著差異。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the sports values and sports participation in Hsing Wu College. A researcher-designed questionnaire named “The Questionnaire of the Students’ Sports values and Sports participation” was used for data collection. There were 1,086 valid questionnaires. The data process tool was SPSS for Windows 8.0, and the means values, standardized scores, percentage, t-test, and one-way ANOVA were used for data analysis. The results were as follows: 1. Three most sports that students participated were in order “the category of ball game,” “the category of strolling and climbing,” and “the category of dancing.” 2. The first three reasons that students did not participate were in order “too busy in studying to exercise,” “feel tired after school to not exercise,” and “no exercise habits.” 3. The most participation frequency per week was “1 to 2 times per week” accounting for 62.98%. 4. The students who participated in sports took the highest percentage of 36.46% in “twenty minutes to one hour” of duration time. The second was “one to two hours” accounting for 27.995. 5. The students who participated in sports took the highest percentage of 27.16% in “the 8th grade (a little labouredness)” of exercise intensity. The second was “the 6th grade (lightness)” accounting for 25.41%. The third was “the 7th grade (between a little labouredness ad lightness)” accounting for 15.29%. 6. Most students participated in sports in the afternoon which took the highest percentage of 50.83%. The second was in the morning and the third was in the evening, which took 20.99% and 19.06%, respectively. 7. The companion was “schoolfellow” at the highest percentage of 37.75%. The second was “friends” accounting for 25.51%. 8. The exercising place was “school stadium” with the highest relative frequency of 71.09. The second was “home” with 53.68. 9. The students needed “10minutes and below” to reach the exercising place at the highest percentage of 46.36%. The second was “11 to 30 minutes” accounting for 33.24%. 10. There were significant differences in sports values in different department, grade, and family income of students. 11. There were significant differences in sports participation in different gender, department, grade, and family income of students.
