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篇名 由財務資訊建立財務危機的預警--以高科技業為例
卷期 31
並列篇名 Establishing the Prediction of Financial Crisis from the Financial Information--The Case of High Technology Industry
作者 陳水蓮李永新郭貞吟
頁次 183-197
關鍵字 鑑別分析財務危機財務資訊Discriminate analysisFinancial crisisFinancial information
出刊日期 200606


本研究利用國內二家曾發生財務危機的公司作為分析對象,及二家未曾發生財務危機的公司作為比較對象,利用統計上的鑑別作分析(Discriminate Analysis),希望藉由樣本公司所對外公佈的財務報表中找到一些與財務危機具有相關性的資訊,以對公司可能發生財務危機作出預警。本研究結果發現財務變數中的固定資產週轉率、權益報酬率、銷貨利潤邊際、資產酬率及投資(業外)對資本比對財務危機的發生具有一定程度的鑑別能力。


The purpose of this research is to filter some discriminate variables and build up a function to forecast financial crisis for these listed companies. The resource of the data in this study includes financial report of 2002-Q1 to 2003-Q3 of 4 listed companies; 2 of them were once occurred financial crisis, and the others were not. After using disseminate analysis, the research gets a predict function, and the result shows that there are five financial variables can be used to predict which company is going to occur financial crisis, including fixed assets turnover, Return of Equity (ROE, profit margin on sales, Return of Assets (ROA), and venturing investment to capital ratio.
