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篇名 復健相關治療兩年同期間門診業務成長之分析
卷期 19:1
並列篇名 Analysis of the Growth of Outpatient Services in Rehabilitation-related Therapy
作者 吳英黛張祐仁楊政峰曹昭懿
頁次 61-65
關鍵字 Outpatient servicesHealth insurance paymentRehabilitation-related therapy門診健保支付復健相關治療TSCI
出刊日期 200002


目標:分析在健保實施後,復健相關各專業治療二年同期間門診業務之改變。方法:以健保局提供之86、87年度1至4月台灣地區復健相關治療的門診申報資料做資料處理和分析。結果:86、87年度1至4月復健相關治療之總金額與總人次的成長分別為39.7%和28.1%,物理治療不論金額或人次均約佔總額的90%。各專業金額的成長率依次為職能治療的50.5%、語言治療的39.6%和物理治療的36.8%;服務人次的成長率則依次為職能治療的33.7%、語言治療的30.4%和物理治療的19.7%。基層院所申報之簡單—中度物理治療項目明顯地由86年的46.3%升至87年的77.2%。結論:既然復健相關 治療之絕大部分為物理治療,物理治療師也可擔任復健相關治療的守門人,有關單位應考慮在健保局之醫審會與監理委員會成員中加入物理治療師,協助相關費用之把關工作。


Objectives: To examine the distribution and growth of outpatient rehabilitation-related therapies at various accreditation levels of medical institutions. Methods: Outpatient service data related to rehabilitation therapy from January to April in 1997 and 1998 were obtained from the Bureau of National Health Insurance. The data from different therapies and accreditation levels of institution were processed and analyzed. Results: The results showed that the growth rates in total payment and utilization freq uency were 39.7% and 28.1% respectively. Physical therapy (PT) service led all the other therapies in payment and utilization frequency accounting for 90% of the total amount. Occupational and speech therapy (OT and ST) were used relatively less, but the growth rates were higher. The growth rates in amount of money spent for OT, ST, and PT were 50.5%, 39.6% and 36.8% respectively; and the growth rates in service for OT, ST, and PT were 33.7%, 30.4% and 19.7% respectively. Simple-moderate physical therpy it ems increased from 46.3% to 77.2% in the level of clinics was the most remarkable finding among all the growth rates. Conclusions: Physical therapist can be the gatekeeper of rehabilitation services. Personnel in physical therapy should be involved in the process of evaluation and reimbursement of rehabilitation-related service since physical therapy comprises the majority of rehabilitation-related therapies.
