
本土心理學研究 TSSCI

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篇名 華人生活世界中的多面向因果思維
卷期 21
並列篇名 The Multidimensional Causal Thinking in Chinese Life World
作者 郭士賢張思嘉
頁次 233-267
關鍵字 WorldviewTaiwanese folk religionSelf-cultivationCausal thinking天人類比修行宇宙觀因果思維臺灣民間信仰TSCITSSCI
出刊日期 200406



The relation of five parallel causalities operating in Taiwanese culture is examined to explore the way they influence interpretation of critical life events. A framework of multidimensional causal thinking is developed to provide a theoretical perspective explaining why Taiwanese people still have much non-rational behavior in modern society. These causalities are: 1) the Western subject-object dichotomy worldview of logical causal thinking, which presumes that the individual is independent from the external world and that there are reasonable relations between changes in the external world and personal life experience; 2) relational causal thinking common in Chinese societies; 3) analogical interactions between heavenly timing, spatial adequacy and relational harmony; 4) polytheistic and diffused folk religion of Taiwan or religious causal thinking, which. suggests that Gods can affect and determine one’s life; 5) transcendental causal thinking in which reflections on re1igious activities and self-cultivation or altruistic actions in daily life plays an essential role in determining a person’s life.
