
嘉南學報. 人文類

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篇名 大禹神話傳說及治水英雄崇拜研究
卷期 31
並列篇名 Research on Da-Yu : the Mythical Legend and the Worship in Heroes of River-Hamessing
作者 陳昭昭
頁次 528-551
關鍵字 神話伯益共工后土MythYuGunBo-YiGong-GongHou-Tu
出刊日期 200512




Da-Yu has been the best-known heroes of river-harnessing. He also was the originator of Xia dynasty and the creator of the imperial family. The credit for river-harnessing only went to Da- Yu by the people, but he could not get through with such as an undertaking by himself. From pre-Qing's philosophers, I would assay how thory attempted an evaluation of Da-Yu. A more study of complete interpretation about the name “Da-Yu"is needed. What tribe did Da-Yu belong to? Where did he come from and how was he born? Besides, this paper centered on some focal points, including who were the heroes of river-harnessing before Da-Yu? Although they failed in river-harnessing, their experience could inspire DaYu. Who were the members of the team? They helped Da- Yu to finish the river-harnessing. What great techniques were thory possessed of? Why could thory achieve success in the riverharnessing? However, was “TheRiver-harnessingof Da-Yu" either the myth or history to be? What was the influence of“The river-harnessing of Da-Yu" on different races and foreign lands, including the ancient dance of the witch? Moreover, how did people worship the heroes of river- harnessing? People have built many temples of Yu, and thory believe in Da-Yu as a god. Such would be discussed in this paper.

