
嘉南學報. 人文類

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篇名 周王室束遷後五十年這表原因探究
卷期 31
並列篇名 The Declining Reasons of Fifty Years after Zhou Royal Moving Capital
作者 藍麗春
頁次 552-571
關鍵字 周王室平王兩王並立東遷者在巴Zhou royalPing KingCapital moved
出刊日期 200512




When Zhou royal (周王室)moved capital to east city, Luo Yi, (雒邑)national power of East Zhou (東周)was less than West Zhou's. (西周)But royal family still owned much land. The area of country's territory was wide. IfPing King (平王)could make great efforts to build the state, royal family had been strong. Actually, during fifty years of Ping Kingon his position, the power of royal was getting declining. The period of Ping King was the key point of developing for East Zhou. This period was also the start point of declining. The declining reasons were important in East Zhou history. This paper presents the declining reasons during fifty years after Ping Kingmoved capital to east city. The main reasons include that the position of Ping King was argued, the relation between royal and vassals was changed after moving capital, the politics of Ping King was not excellent, the power of vassals were getting mighty.

