
嘉南學報. 人文類

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篇名 管子的農業管理思想
卷期 31
並列篇名 Kuan- Tzu's Agriculture Manages the Thought
作者 田博元何以尊
頁次 572-581
關鍵字 管子以民為本治道農業管理思想Kuan-TzuFellow reflect the public sentimentWays to rule peopleAgriculture managing the thought
出刊日期 200512




The main purpose of this paper is to discuss the notion of Kuan-Tzu's agriculture management. Kuan-Tzu was a well-known politician and philosopher in the ancient China, he wrote the book“Kuan-Tzu" which demonstrates the Guan Zhong's experiences of a national government.
Through this book, the aim of Kuan-Tzu's agriculture management is to reach a rich country which can bring benefits to the people. The central principles of his notion are to follow people's minds and benefit people's lives; A country which wants to become rich and stable must practice three guiding principles “threebasic",“four firm" and " five thing". There are two main tactics of Kuan- Tzu to implement agriculture management, one is to make efforts for increasing of grain production, and the other is to promote multi-operated business.
We should achieve mastery through a comprehensive understanding of the agriculture management of“Kuan-Tzu", absorb experiences from the ancient management notion and integrate the management notion from abroad to create new management skills with Chinese characteristics. Itcan help us to accomplish the modernistic agriculture management and develop a better agricultural economics.

