
嘉南學報. 人文類

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篇名 〈呂氏春秋〉中的人才管理思想
卷期 31
並列篇名 LU-SHI-CHUN-GIU Manpower Resources Management Thought
作者 田博元郭書儀
頁次 582-597
關鍵字 呂氏春秋人才管理思想LU-SHI-CHUN-GIUManpower Resources Management Thought
出刊日期 200512




This paper aims to explore LU-SHI-CHUN-GIU's thought of manpower resources management. We probe the goal, which is“those who on top have to trust their subordinates and be in a role of subsidiary". The thought of manpower resources management is '‘eliminatingselfishness and appointing the person of virtue". Based on this idea, the monarch and his subordinates are able to work out a better method of running state business. We synthesize manpower resources management into five major tactics: (l)Treat employees with respects; (2)Discarding the personal prejudice and choosing suitable talents for right positions; (3)Not using the persons in every way, but for being just appropriate; (4)Different talents are assigned in proper duties; (5)Moral integrity and justice are rendered as well as award and punishment.
This analysis hopes to offer reference and enlightenment of manpower resources management in the future.

