
嘉南學報. 人文類

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篇名 試論從兩漢到魏晉時期人性論的發展
卷期 31
並列篇名 Discussions of the Development of the Philosophy of the Human Nature from the Han (West Han and East Han) to Wei-Jin Dynasties
作者 黃金榔
頁次 598-616
關鍵字 天人感應陰陽論性才性論性其情以理論性自然本性性分生理官能Relation between heaven and human emotion effects Yin yang and five agentsTheories of cosmological and substance Metaphysics An ideal obj ect world and An ideal spiritual world 主觀精神世界)Philosophy of sensibility
出刊日期 200512




Since the first appearance of the philosophy of human nature in the Pre-Chin time. the theory of Metaphysics has been developed through the dynasties two Han and Wei Jin.
The theory of mental philosophy of the Song Min dynasties formed through the Buddhism of the Sui Tang dynasties. In which the importance of human nature in the PreChin dynasty and mental philosophy had been carefully studied the philosophy of human nature has been noticed for a long time.
Especial in the time of Han and Wei Jin dynasties. the Han theories from the yin yang explained (talks) human nature Wei-Jin Metaphysics theories yearning for spiritual freedom.
This paper is to give a pre-view about the theoηT. the followings are the order of content I : preview IT : the development of human nature in the two Han dynasties ill : background of the human nature development the theory in the Wei-Jin dynasties N: philosophy of human nature in the Wei Jin. Dynasties V : conclusion.

