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篇名 南宋初期文武關係之消長(西元1127~1189年)
卷期 31
並列篇名 Civil-Military Relations During the Early Period of the South Song Dynasty(l127-1189)
作者 吳涓
頁次 647-664
關鍵字 文武關係Civil-Military relation
出刊日期 200512


當北宋為金人所滅時,康王趙構被擁立為帝,為南宋高宗。此時外有金、齊的侵凌,內有盜竊、叛賊為亂,形成內外交迫的窘境。為了生存與發展,南宋朝廷修正北宋的一些政策,卻造成外重內輕大將專兵局面,也引發高宗的「第二次杯酒釋兵權」, 而恢復到北宋「強幹弱枝」、「重文輕武」的舊軌。皇帝擁有至高無上的權力。包圍在皇帝身邊,所組成的中央決策系統則是一群「丈人」。其最大的優點,就是根本消除內部宴奪之禍根。然內防過密,致國防力量幾等於無;外防過疏,所以終亡於外寇,這實是宋室矯枉過正之弊。由此觀之,如何在文人至上和文人領導的原則下,營造和維持良好的、穩定的文武關係,是軍事與政治領導者必須學習的課題。


The study is to investigate the rise and fall of Civil-Military relation during the early period of the South Song Dynasty. When the North Song Dynasty was destroyed by the Tungustic Dynasty, princess Gao Zhou was elected the Emperor of the South Song Dynasty, known as Gauzong. At that time, the South Song Dynasty suffered from being bullied by the Tungustic Dynasty and the Chyi Dynasty outside and robbery and rebellion inside. In order to survive and develop his country, the South Song court corrected some of the North Song Dynasty's policy, nevertheless, it led to the situation of military's power surpassing the government. Thus, Gauzong decided to restore to curtailing the military's power, the traditional way of governing, which conducted by the North Song Dynasty. The Emperor surrounded by the civil officers、ifho formed the central policy system, possessed superpower. The advantage of centralization of authority totally avoided of being usurped by insiders. But national defense power was declined to zero under the policy of curtailing military's power. The destiny of the South Song Dynasty was doomed to perish by outsiders. From the point of view, under the principle of the civil superiority over the military, how to create and maintain a stable Civil-Military Relation is an important subject for both military and political leaders to learn.

